whats your favorite food?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Visiting Kentucky

This week, I will be visiting and writing from my aunt's in Kentucky. We are in the third day of this adventure on the farm. So far, we've gone to see a movie, we drove the tractor around the yard, I reluctantly helped shovel manure, I've fed and held the chickens, I ran around with the horses, watched TV with William (my younger cousin) and watched Anna (my older cousin) paint this wonderful portrait. I spent time with my uncle. We sat in the hot tub, but I got light headed because it was 102 degrees!

Today, I will be volunteering with my aunt at the thrift store.


Teresa said...

It sounds like you are having a great time! You are lucky to have such a great Aunt! I wish I could be there with you. Do not come home with any new animals :-}.
Have fun today,

George said...

Joey, This is grandpa George. I think it is really cool idea, I can't wait to read all that you write in your blog. I think it should be called a BLOB! yOUR WEEK IN kENTUCKY SOUNDS LIKE A LOT OF FUN, DOING THINGS YOU CAN'T DO BACK HOME. wRITE TO ME. gRANDPA gEORGE

Unknown said...

Hi Joey,

Welcome to Kentucky! I remember visiting family when I was younger. What fun it was, so many adventures around every corner.

You've done a great job on starting your blog. Keep up the good work!

A homeschool mom,

camflock said...


Playing with the chickens can be a bunch of fun. They always surprise me, and I always learn something new around them.

Have fun,
Mrs. M
Aunt Cathy's friend